ライフカラーペインティングガイド Vol.2 (書籍)、2022年5月発売(予約開始)
1/12 1/24 1/48
These books offer essential information on painting, weathering and finishing scale models to the highest standard while getting the best from Lifecolor paints and products. Each theme will have a full list of the Lifecolor colour paint chips that were used for the painting and weathering processes.
Available information on historical facts and real equipment will be added in most cases, which will enrich the content of each book and impart some interesting information to readers. We have six articles in this issue, plus some extra details offering a lot more information.
The first article of four pages is by the well-known Master Christos Katselos and about painting a 1/24 scale Female Fantasy Figure Genesis in a Scenic Setting. In the article Christos reveals his approach to painting miniature figures in “Open Your Mind, Pick up your Favourite Colour Tones and Paint”.
In the second article Master Artist Alessandro Gobbi explains in detail the ‘Non Metallic Metal’ painting method he uses with step-by-step photos. He is the creator of the Non Metallic Metal Sets that was working on for years and finally released by Lifecolor! Here he uses the Gold Set and focuses on how to achieve the perfect gold metal effect using the Colour Hues in the set for the Genesis 1/12 scale Bust.
Another Master Modeller, Vincenzo Lanna explains in detail How to Paint a German Camouflage pattern on a Captured Russian Tank KV-1 in 10 Easy to Follow Steps using an airbrush and a brush. Here you will also see how to use the liquid pigments to make a realistic 1/48 scale model tank.
Talented artist Theodosis Giannakidis has contributed two unique articles to this volume on the secrets of achieving a natural and realistic finish. The first one is on ‘How to Paint Sandbags’ from Black Dog and the second is on ‘How to Paint Wood’ effects on Miniart’s Farm Cart. Both articles have step-by-step photos and detailed captions.
Martin Hughes is a well known Master and owner of the “Scale War Machines” YouTube channel who wrote our 6th article (Part 2), which concludes the chapter about weathering civilian vehicles. Martin explains in detail how to create Rust, Mould and Decay on a 1/24 scale Volkswagen Beetle. This is the second of a two-part feature; the first part was published in Volume 1. The eight-page article has 20 in-progress photos showing how to get the most of a ‘Rat-look’ on modern civilian cars making extensive use of the airbrush and Lifecolor products.
We must thank the artists, Theodosis Giannakidis, Alessandro Gobbi, Martin Hughes, Christos Katselos and Vincenzo Lanna, who took part in this big project which, without their participation, would not have been realized.
Also, thanks must go to the owners and producers of the companies for supporting this work and future books… Alessandro Balbo and Rolando Iezzi (Lifecolor by Astromodel), Sang-Eon Lee (Life Miniatures), Yannis Papadopoulos (ETA-Diorama accessories), Piotr Koperski and Andrzei Wraclawek (Panzerart), Ben Mirson (MiniArt), Alexander Shurzenko (Master Box) and Radek Pituch (Rado Miniatures).
And last, but not least, thanks must go to our tireless English Text Editor Ken Jones.
Editor / Publisher
Stelios Demiras
4 Genesis
Open your Mind, Pick your Favourite Colour Tones and Paint
8 Genesis Bust
How to Paint a Large-Scale Female Fantasy Bust Using an NMM Technique With Lifecolor NMM Set Gold CS53
12 German Pz.Kpfw KV-1B 756(r)
How to Paint a German Camouflage Pattern on a Captured Russian KV-1 Tank In 10 Easy-to-Follow Steps
18 ‘Sandbagging’ Tamiya’s Carro Armato M13/40
Painting Sandbags Step-by-Step for Dioramas, Vignettes
& Extra Protection on Armoured Vehicles
22 ‘Rat-look’ Volkswagen Beetle
Civilian Vehicles: Creating Rust, Mould and Decay Using Lifecolor Paints (Part 2)
30 MiniArt Farm Cart
Painting a Realistic Wooden Farm Cart with Lifecolor Acrylics
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